Source assignment logic

Information on how sources assigned to the user and/or terminal relate to POS transactions.


Payment sources can be assigned to both Users and Terminals. How these sources are configured dictates which sources transactions are routed through.

Please see the Logic section below for explanations of how our source assignment logic works.

You can also check out the Further information section for details on creating a source and activating POS devices.


The table below outlines our source assignment logic, with the following Notes section providing further explanations, where needed.

Terminal activationSources assigned to UserSources assigned to TerminalLogic

Activated by Admin

[N/A]Source "X"Terminal routes transactions through Source "X"

Activated by Admin

[N/A][No source assigned]Terminal routes transactions through the "Default" Source [note 1]

Activated by User (non-Admin)

[No source assigned]Source "X"Terminal routes transactions through Source "X"

Activated by User (non-Admin)

Source "X" (only 1 source)Source "X"Terminal routes transactions through Source "X"

Activated by User (non-Admin)

Source "Y" (only 1 source)Source "X"Terminal routes transactions through Source "Y" [note 2]

Activated by User (non-Admin)

Sources "10", "20", "30" & "40" (multiple sources, including "30")Source "30"Terminal routes transactions through the first source as it appears in the user's account (ascending: low to high) [note 3]

Activated by User (non-Admin)

Sources "10", "20" & "40" (multiple sources, excluding "30")Source "30"Terminal routes transactions through the first source as it appears in the user's account (ascending: low to high) [note 3]


[note 1] - if no source is assigned to either the User or the Terminal, transactions will always be routed through the account’s “Default” source

[note 2] - if different, the source assigned to the User will override the source assigned to the Terminal

[note 3] - if there are multiple sources assigned to the User, transactions will always be routed through the first source as it appears in the user’s account, regardless of whether the Terminal’s source is included in the User’s sources

Further information

For further information, please see our related pages:

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