Card terminal apps
Information on our card terminal apps solutions.
Viva offers the ‘ | Terminal’ application for the two main OS platforms for mobile devices (Android/iOS). This ‘ | Terminal’ application is able to receive requests for initiating transactions from third-party apps installed on the same mobile device.
Android app integration
The ‘ | Terminal’ application for Android can receive requests for initiating transactions from third-party apps installed on the same Android mobile device. Communication with the ‘ | Terminal’ application is done by using Android intents. The client app creates an intent with parameters and starts the ‘ | Terminal’ application’s pay activity. When the ‘ | Terminal’ application’s pay activity finishes it returns the result to the caller app.
A sample app is also available for download from our public GitHub account. It demonstrates the inter-app communication ability and contains all the necessary Gradle build files.
App specs for Android POS terminals
To successfully upload an Android APK to the Viva PAX Store and distribute and update it to PAX Paydroid terminals, check the following two areas first. Provide the app and release information (1) and ensure the app can operate with restrictions (2). The final signing, uploading, and distribution of the app will be completed by Viva.
1. Android app and release information
The below requirements are similar to those of the Google Play Store:
- The unique package name in the store
- Signed APK*
- In each new release the version must be increased following the semantic versioning, e.g. 1.2.9 -> 1.3.0 -> 1.3.3
- In each new release the version code must be increased, e.g. 100 -> 110 -> 300
- A name, short description, and a description
- An icon
- 3 screenshots of the app
- Release notes
* To publish an APK on Google Play Store, any developer can choose to have the signature keypair stored by Google in its systems, linked to the developer account; or to have a local keystore file containing signature public and private key. To publish an APK on Viva PAX Store, the suggested method is to use a local keystore, and let Android Studio sign the APK. All the APK versions should be signed by the same developer signature.
2. PAX Android terminal restrictions
- Google Services are not available on the terminals
- Chrome or any other web browser are not available on the terminals
- Minimum support Android OS >= 5.1
iOS app integration
The ‘ | Terminal’ application for iOS can receive requests for initiating transactions from third-party apps installed on the same iOS mobile device. Communication with the ‘ | Terminal’ application is done through the use of URL schemes and by implementing UIApplicationDelegate ’s instance method application(_:open:options:) on the AppDelegate file of the client’s app project. The client app should create an URL scheme using specific parameters that will initiate the ‘ | Terminal’ application’s pay activity. When the ‘ | Terminal’ application’s pay activity finishes it returns the transaction result to the caller app..
A sample app is also available for download from our public GitHub account. It demonstrates the inter-app communication ability and contains all necessary info.
Further Information
Please see our child pages for further information on our app-based solutions:
Get Support
If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!