Connect Card Reader

How to connect a card reader to a terminal.


The purpose of this article is to show how to connect a card reader to a Viva Terminal device.


The below process relates to connection via Bluetooth. For connection via USB, please choose the USB option where presented and physically connect the USB cable

  1. Either during the setup phase of the app, or via More > Card Readers in the app after setup is complete, select the type of card reader you wish to pair:

    Connect Card Reader - 01

  2. Select the connection method you wish to use, Bluetooth or USB:

    Connect Card Reader - 02

  3. for Bluetooth, switch on the card reader and put it into pairing mode:

    Connect Card Reader - 03

  4. In the app, select the device from the options available:

    Connect Card Reader - 04

  5. You will see a notice that you will need to select ‘Pair’:

    Connect Card Reader - 05

  6. Within the ‘pairing request’ pop-up, select the ‘Pair’ option:

    Connect Card Reader - 06

  7. Press the connect button on the card reader and wait for connection to complete:

    Connect Card Reader - 07

  8. The card reader may need to perform an update:

    Connect Card Reader - 08

  9. Press Continue when the connection is complete to begin using the card reader:

    Connect Card Reader - 09

  10. You can then choose to pair more devices, or to continue:

    Connect Card Reader - 10

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