
Our tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including account configuration, handling payments, managing POS devices, making bank transfers and much more besides.


The following tutorials provide details, examples and code samples for some of Viva’s key integration use cases. When following these tutorials, please note that our APIs use the following base URLs:

APIs Demo Production
Bank Account, Wallet, Fees https://demo.vivapayments.com/ https://www.vivapayments.com/
Payments, Transactions, Issuing https://demo-api.vivapayments.com/ https://api.vivapayments.com/
OAuth 2.0 https://demo-accounts.vivapayments.com/ https://accounts.vivapayments.com/

You will also need to log in to your production Viva banking app in order to obtain the correct access / client credentials for authentication. Please refer to the Getting started section for further details.


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If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!