AADE Protocol
Native Checkout v2
About Viva
Getting started
Payment methods
Integration reference
Smart Checkout
Marketplaces - OLD
Payment tools
ISV Partner program
Viva Fiscalisation
APIs for payments
Webhooks for payments
Code samples for payments
APIs for APM provisioning
In-person payments
Softpos Apps
Tap on Any Device on Android
Sale request
Pre-auth request
Capture Pre-auth request
Cancel/Refund request
Rebate request
Fast Refund request
Unreferenced Refund
Abort request
Batch request
Reprint request
--- Set Mode request
Transaction Details request
Foreground request
Set Printing Settings request
Get Printing Settings request
Send Logs request
POS Activation request
Get Activation Code request
Decimal Amount Mode request
Reset request
Tap on Any Device on iOS
Payment Terminal API
- Dynamic Currency Conversion
- Enable/Disable Multi-merchant
- Surcharge
- Dynamic Descriptor
- Enable/Disable Instalments & Tips
- Rebate and Fast Refund
- Card Present Tokenization
- Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)MOTO payments
- Sample Receipts
Client case studies
Release Notes
Contact & Support
Foreground request
An overview of the Foreground request message for Android.
👉 The Foreground request is used to bring to the ‘ Terminal’ application to the foreground when desired.
The client app must implement a mechanism to send messages using Android intents and URI calls and to receive the result in a custom URI callback.
Foreground request originating from the client app to bring ‘ Terminal’ application to foreground.
Foreground request
For a typical Foreground request, the client app must provide the following information:
Card terminal support
Max Length
The Viva's custom URL scheme, the host and the version.
The merchant's key. For successful validation, should not be empty.Deprecated : you may pass any value.
The client app ID. For successful validation, should not be empty.
The parameter to trigger an action. For foreground action, it should be set as 'foreground'.
The URI callback that will handle the result. For successful validation, should not be empty.
This action does not send back a response.
The above information elements must create a URI call, i.e.
String reqStr = "vivapayclient://pay/v1"
+ "?merchantKey=" MY_MERCHANT_KEY "
+ " & appId = com . example . myapp "
+ " & action = foreground "
+ " & callback = mycallbackscheme: //result";
Intent payIntent = new Intent ( Intent . ACTION_VIEW , Uri . parse ( reqStr ));
payIntent . addFlags ( Intent . FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK );
payIntent . addFlags ( Intent . FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS );
startActivity ( payIntent );
Key to card terminal product categories
To understand the icons used on the above table, see the below table.
Product category
Terminal models
Android Card Terminals
Android Card Terminal Ethernet, Android Card Terminal 4G, Mobile Card Terminal Plus, Mobile Card Terminal.
' Terminal' application for Android
Mini Card Reader, Pocket Card Terminal connected via Bluetooth or USB to the ' Terminal' application for Android.
Linux Card Terminals
Countertop, IM20, S900, S800, D200.
Get Support
If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!